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3 Ways to Prepare Your Trees for Spring

March 2, 2023

1. Schedule a Site Visit

Schedule a Site Visit with one of our Certified Arborists. The best way to diagnose your tree needs is to have one of our arborists evaluate your property and formulate a treatment plan.


2. Keep an eye out for Apple Scab

If you have a Crab Apple tree on your property and it looks sick, it may have Apple Scab. We begin treating this in April, so if you want to get on our treatment plan, please call us by the end of March to ensure you are on our treatment list.


3. Start Mulching Your Trees

Mulch has many benefits such as maintaining soil moisture, repelling weeds and improving soil quality. It also helps promote early spring growth of plants and root growth. The best time to mulch your trees is in the spring!