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Oak Bros Winter Tree Care Guide 2022

December 26, 2022



In Illinois winters, trees become dormant where they are no longer putting energy into their canopies. At the same time, insects and diseases are also dormant which greatly reduces the introduction of invasive insects and pathogens. Pruning certain species during the growing season, such as Oak and Elm, may introduce invasive diseases. This is why we here at Oak Bros only perform Oak pruning during the dormant season.


Dormancy also allows our Certified Arborists to evaluate tree structure. With the absence of leaves we can better observe any structural defects that may exist in your trees and formulate a management plan.


Other benefits to dormancy pruning include the ground being mostly frozen in winter, which gives our tree care workers easier access to the tree, and the reduction of foliage makes branches easier to see and handle.


Taking care of your trees with the help of a local International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist is the best insurance you could provide to your trees. Proper maintenance helps keep your trees healthy and strong to withstand Illinois’ harsh weather. Even though your trees are free of leaves we can still make inspections of tree structure. To do this, call and request a diagnostic site visit from Aaron Schulz, our Board Certified Master Arborist, Plant Health Care Director, and general landscape health wizard.